Peruvian Poems-and other Poems

Poemas Peruanos

by Dennis L. Siluk



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/19/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9780595369430

About the Book

Peruvian Poems, stream of consciousness, styles, are very easy to understand. Deliberately put into its present order; it has three sections; 28-poems; both in English and Spanish. Peruvian Poems, is an overpowering and deeply moving book of Poetry. It is considered Siluk's most important and remarkable literary work; much of it dealing with Peruvian traditions.

Throughout the book, Peruvian Poems, Siluk emits the feeling that he loves these poems and truly enjoys what he is doing. Pure of heart these are rare commodities in a poetic world.

Over 50,000-people annually go to see Mr. Siluk's travels on his website. He writes to an audience of some six-million people on the internet; and his Spanish-speaking audience alone could perchance exceed that amount. His writings (150-short stories; 31-books; 450-articles; 850-poems) can be seen on dozens of websites; magazines, books and newspapers. He has a worldwide audience. His books are in two languages, seven countries. He has had presidential recognition, and won a competition for being the most favorable contributor to an international magazine.

Several of Mr. Siluk's poems, short stories and articles have been selected and put into, the educational systems in Eastern Europe, South America and North America.

Rosa PeƱaloza

About the Author

This is Mr. Siluk?s 31st Book, and his 6th in poetry. He lives in St. Paul, Minnesota, and Peru with his wife Rosa. They travel throughout the world, most recently to Lake Superior, USA; and Copan, Honduras.