PaGaian Cosmology

Earth-based Goddess Religion

by Glenys Livingstone Ph.D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/21/2005

Recognition Programs

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 360
ISBN : 9780595349906
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 356
ISBN : 9780595797011

About the Book

PaGaian Cosmology brings together a religious practice of seasonal ritual based in a contemporary scientific sense of the cosmos and female imagery for the Sacred. The author situates this original synthesis in her context of being female and white European transplanted to the Southern Hemisphere. Her sense of alienation from her place, which is personal, cultural and cosmic, fires a cosmology that re-stories Goddess metaphor of Virgin-Mother-Crone as a pattern of Creativity, which unfolds the cosmos, manifests in Earth's life, and may be known intimately.

PaGaian Cosmology is an ecospirituality grounded in indigenous Western religious celebration of the Earth-Sun annual cycle. By linking to story of the unfolding universe this practice can be deepened, and a sense of the Triple Goddess-central to the cycle and known in ancient cultures-developed as a dynamic innate to all being. The ritual scripts and the process of ritual events presented here, may be a journey into self-knowledge through personal, communal and ecological story: the self to be known is one that is integral with place.

PaGaian Cosmology may be used as a resource for individuals or groups seeking new forms of devotional expression and an Earth-based pathway to wisdom within.

About the Author

Glenys Livingstone graduated in Social Ecology. Her ?action? doctorate in the study of female imagery for the Sacred grew from inner and communal work. An Australian with country roots, teacher training, theological and social science studies, she has journeyed into life?s compost and found transformative power to return smiling.