"Well It Looks Bettr'n It Did"

A Modern American Odyssey

by D Wassom



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/11/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 110
ISBN : 9780595354771

About the Book

What would make a successful Dentist and an accomplished businesswoman leave their California careers to buy and run the "Oldest Hotel in Alabama?"

We could put forth several hypothesis on the subject, but the bottom line is that "We were Nuts!" However we did manage to convince ourselves that it was "Time for", and that we "Needed a Change." And after all neither one of us were, "Afraid of Hard Work." (Heaven forbid any mention of the unmentionable "Mid Life Crisis")

As is turns out is was hard work. But the upside if the venture went far beyond our wildest dreams. What an interesting, fulfilling, humorous experience! Funny things happen to all of us, but we feel we were blessed with more funny experiences than a couple ought to be legally allowed to have! Truth really can be stranger than fiction!

We sure are glad that we are "Nuts." Being "Nuts" has made our lives infinitely more rewarding. We are unanimous about that! Come join us as we relate some of the high points of our journey.

About the Author

Dr. David Wassom practiced Dentistry in California for 20+ years. Father of 6 children & Grandfather. He has extensively traveled. Experience has convinced him that, ?Truth is stranger than fiction?. Observing ?antics of the human race? prompted this writing. He lives with his wife Claudia at their B&B in Mentone Alabama.