My Career Mentor & Me
Placing Myself and Staying on the Right Career Pathway
Book Details
About the Book
Helping Young Professionals Chart & Stay on the Right Career Path “Dr. Mulligan’s book is a significant contribution to higher education and the work place. Students in college and recent college graduates at work can identify and obtain a Career Mentor connected either to the college, their employer or family and use The Route 5 Career Pathway Plan in this book to help them chart and stay on the right career path”. Dr. William V. Muse, Past President of the University of Akron, President of Auburn University, and Chancellor of East Carolina University. Dr. Mulligan wrote My Career Mentor & Me to provide a process that the Career Mentor can use to help the young professional, mentee, chart the right career path, prepare for and obtain targeted positions, be the best in their positions and manage a successful and rewarding career journey. Dr. Mulligan divided this manual into four sections. The first section of the book defines a mentor and discusses The Triangle Mentoring Team concept. The first mentor is the Family Support Mentor (helps find Career Mentor and provides support). The second mentor is the Career Mentor (college advisor, college alum, company manager or?). The third is the Specialty Mentor who provides information and help in completing tasks. The second section describes the three stages of the One-On-One Performance Facilitation and Helping Process that the Career Mentor and mentee will execute. The third section asks the Career Mentor and mentee to execute the three stages of the One-On-One Performance Facilitation and Helping Process. The first stage calls for developing a working relationship. The second stage asks the Career Mentor and mentee to develop the Route 5 Career Pathway Plan. The third stage asks the mentee to complete tasks to meet the growth objectives of the Career Pathway Plan. The fourth section asks the mentee to review their Route 5 Career Pathway Plan with the Family Support Mentor, make necessary changes and then work with the Career Mentor to meet the growth objectives of the Plan. Over 12 self assessments are in the book plus a partnership contract for the Career Mentor and mentee to sign.
About the Author
Dr. Mulligan has spent much of his career and life helping people find direction in their lives as well as new jobs. He prepared for his career by obtaining a Ph.D. in counseling from the University of Georgia, an M.A. in counseling and student personnel work in higher education from Michigan State University and a B.A. in liberal arts from Alma College. Dr. Mulligan presently directs and owns Mulligan Associates, Inc., a 34 year career and talent management consulting firm that has helped over 10,000 individuals with career direction and finding new positions. This has included CEOs, Presidents, Chief Level Officers, partners from consulting firms, senior executives, managers, professionals, nonexempt workers and college students majoring in different subjects from various colleges and universities across the United States. Dr. Mulligan has served as a fellow manager with the International Career Certification Institute. The Institute certifies people in the career management consulting field. Fellow Managers assist in checking out the credentials and experience of those applying for certification. Dr. Mulligan wrote an article What it Takes to Be an Effective Career Consultant and it has been a guide for the industry for the last 20 years. Prior to starting Mulligan & Associates Inc., Dr. Mulligan worked as Management Development Director for Century 21 of Northern Illinois. He and the six consultants that reported to him worked with over 400 owners and 700 office managers of Century 21 franchises to help them develop plans, hire the right people and grow the business. Before Century 21, Dr. Mulligan was the Regional Director for the American College Testing Program servicing state departments, high schools and colleges in five mid western states. He worked closely with educators teaching them how to use ACT score reports and data to help students grow, select the right major and career and graduate from college. Prior to ACT, Dr. Mulligan worked as Director of Orientation and Assistant Director of Admissions at the University of Georgia. He coordinated 150 student/parent orientation sessions, met with over 30 high school and community college students weekly to help them decide if the University of Georgia was right for them and gave over 500 college night speeches. He also served as the Chairman of the Georgia High School/ College Articulation Committee for three years. This committee established the state-wide college night programs and other programs to help high school students make post-secondary plans. Before the University of Georgia, Dr. Mulligan served as a counselor in the counseling center at Georgia Tech. He worked with over 200 students helping them decide on a college major and how to stay in and graduate from college. This also included helping students with personal issues which impacted their staying or leaving school.