Silver Sphere

by PHantasm



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/16/2005

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9780595798940
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9780595351978

About the Book


A perfect being times seen and often heard
Watches over ones left behind and others that are kind
Help those in need and others that stray
Purity and innocence is regained
through fire and brimstone this remains

One who steps in your life's path
Blinders are taken off first look as free as can be
Growth understanding a new love of life that is
incomprehensible but feels right floating on a
natural high without a question why

Rescue me from stress and strife from everyday
life a place where I am one with the familiar and embrace the unknown
Whether a spiritual or physical being that is sent to aid me
My Angel

Silver Sphere is an emotionally driven work that covers many diverse aspects of life, such as love, pride, and sensuality. Using the paper as his easel and the pen as his paintbrush, PHantasm creates vivid mental imagery of his life experiences and draws us into his world. He wears many masks to portray the outpouring of emotions shared through Silver Sphere. He encourages us to see life in a different light, whether it's simple, emotional, or thought provoking-it's the world in which we all live.

About the Author

PHantasm always had a passion for writing and developed it at an early age. Realizing his writing was a voice, he began attending open mic nights at local poetry venues. With this voice came the The Spoken Word, his first book. His quest is to share his gift with others.