by Cecelia Frances Page



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/13/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 98
ISBN : 9780595522668

About the Book

CERTAIN PEOPLE MAKE A DIFFERENCE is a book about important people who have led others to make changes to improve the opportunities of others. Oceanographers have made significant discoveries in the ocean. Certain America Indians have helped pioneers and settlers to survive in the American wilderness.

Devoted parents make a difference by raising their children properly so they grow up with good habits, home training, values and beliefs. Pet owners make a difference when they are caring, loving and attentive to their pets. Good friends are important in our lives because they help us feel needed, loved and appreciated.

We adjust better and make positive changes when we learn from certain people. Spiritual leaders have a profound effect on us. Certain spiritual leaders may encourage us to become aware of deeper, spiritual experiences. They inspire and uplift us to search within for universal truth and wisdom.

Effective leaders help change living conditions and resolve political issues when they make decisions to improve important situations. Choices and significant decisions make a positive difference in millions of lives because of worthwhile leadership.

Creative people who are artists, poets, inventors, architects, scientists, musicians, teachers, innovative cooks and many other creative people make a big difference in our lives. Special people help us feel better. They inspire us and encourage us to live fulfilled lives. You will learn about a variety of certain people who make a difference in our lives as you read this inspiring book.

About the Author

Cecelia Frances Page has a B.A. and M.A. in Education. Cecelia has focused in English, Speech and Psychology. Cecelia is a prolific writer of original poems, screenplays, novels and nonfiction books. Cecelia has published three, original, poetry books and five screenplays.

Cecelia Frances Page has had many books published by iUniverse Publishers. Cecelia is an educator, author, pianist, vocal soloist, artist, photographer and philosopher. Cecelia Frances Page continues to write worthwhile, inspirational books.