Corruption Made a School Principal into a Refugee

by Samson Kamara



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/9/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781450295277
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781450295284

About the Book

Moses was the acting principal of a Catholic High School for many years and he went to England for further studies. He came back after his studies to take up his former post, but the man he entrusted the school to and imposed him on the school and the governing body refused to give up the chair. The man being an in-breed of the inner world of the Catholic Mission and his wife being the secretary general of the Catholic Women’s league has become a bone in Moses throat. The Catholic Mission is now firmly behind their own man against Moses a liberal catholic. Mr. Gabello has glued the mouth of every official with pregnant envelopes the cultural artifact and blood cancer in the country while Moses was away. Moses comes back and every door is now firmly closed before him, bribery has taken its toll. Moses returned to England to become a refugee but back in England, he is again overwhelmed by a succession of disappointments that never seem to come to an end.

About the Author

This book is about corruption and how it contributed to reducing the life of a happy forward looking man in charge of a school to a common refugee in England. Moses has had a rough childhood, and he never enjoyed his childhood. Amid his unhappy childhood, he has always dreamt of a happy adulthood. He had double promotion twice in the elementary school and went to high school one year ahead of his time because he past the high school entrance exam one year in advance. In the high school he never fell below the eighth position in a class of fifty. He graduated with his first degree from the local University. Moses went to England and he studied in five Universities and he graduated with two postgraduate diplomas, two masters degrees and two college certificates. He taught in Birmingham and then emigrated to the U.S. and he has been teaching science in Providence, Rhode Island since 1997.