Haiku Moments

by E. Barrie Kavasch



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 4/17/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781440137051

About the Book

"Haiku Moments" is an eclectic collection of more than 100 new haiku poems, plus additional senryu, tanka, renga, and haibun poetry exploring the fascinations of brief, clear observations. Much of the focus is in Nature ~ capturing pristine moments and lively occasions throughout the seasons. Later forms of senryu and tanka turn inward, or examine complexities of our space age. The poetry shifts through observations of the moon, ocean, high desert, mountains, and seasons. There are also numerous haiku that detail journeys in lively, brief accounts. The beauty of haiku poetry is its absolute brevity! HAIKU MOMENTS will tempt you into reading, thinking, and writing haiku in new ways while you savor the exciterment in this gentle art form.

About the Author

E. Barrie Kavasch is a gifted poet, naturalist, and energy healer who has spent a lifetime writing poetry, especially haiku. Her haiku have won awards and been included in many books and anthologies. She is also an artist and illustrator; some of her fine pen and ink drawings grace these pages. Barrie has authored more than 25 books and many were published with her own illustrations and photographs. This is her fifth book of poetry. Haiku is a basis for many of Barrie's current writing classes, especially with young writers. Barrie has taught writing for the past seven years at ESCAPE To The Arts in Danbury, CT, a prominent regional YMCA campus. She teaches a broad range of creative writing and a national program called "Power Hour/KidsLit" on this multi-lingual campus. Barrie also teaches a Creative Poetry Course in the Kent Memorial Library, as well as select After School programs and Home School programs in the region. Barrie has worked in various museums, botanical gardens, schools, and college campuses teaching special classes in poetry and creative writing, as well as ethnobotany and American Indian cultural lifeways. Her first book, Native Harvests, was published more than 40 years ago and continues to be a national best seller in its field of American Indian wild edibles, ethnobotanical wisdom and spirituality. Barrie also leads literary and spiritual retreats, and has travelled extensively across North America and Europe studying nature, environments, and cultural affairs. She is a Reiki Master with considerable practice in energe healing and teaches in this field. Barrie also teaches Hatha Yoga and a peaceful form of Yoga Flow incorporating Tai Ch'i and Qi Gong to build body strength and overcome disabilities. As a Master Herbalist, she has taught and included herbs in her work in countless creative ways. Barrie is a joyous cancer survivor; she works with and mentors others with life threatening problems using writing and poetry, especially, to target problems and release anxieties, and to help build stronger individual awareness. She lives and writes in Kent, CT.